Porta Docs
Second a proposal
A step-by-step guide showing how to second a proposal

What does it mean to second a proposal?

Every seven days one proposal will become a referendum that can be voted on. The proposal chosen is the proposal that has the greatest backing (measured in funds bonded to the proposal). Seconding a proposal is an action whereby a community member bonds their own tokens to the proposal to show support. In order for a proposal to be seconded, the community member must bond an amount of tokens equal to the amount of tokens it took to raise the proposal initially.
If the creation of the proposal required 100 tokens, then it would require a community member to bond 100 of their tokens to second the proposal.

Additional information

Seconding a proposal means that you are agreeing with the proposal and backing it with an equal amount of deposit as was originally locked. The bonded tokens will be released once the proposal is tabled (that is, brought to a vote), just like the original proposer's bond. By seconding a proposal you will move it higher up the rank of proposals. The most seconded proposal — in value, not number of supporters — will be brought to a referendum every launch period.
It is important to note that there is no way to stop or cancel seconding a proposal once it has been done. Therefore, the funds that were seconded will be reserved until the proposal is tabled as a referendum. This is an indeterminate amount of time, since there is no guarantee that a proposal will become a referendum for a given period, as other proposals may be proposed and tabled before it.
It is possible for a single account to second a proposal multiple times.


Access the Porta-UI
Porta Explorer
Governance > Democracy
Click ‘Second’ on the proposal you wish to second.
Choose the account you want to user, confirm the funds you are locking and click ‘Second’.
You will then see your second displayed on the proposal.
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