Porta Docs

Link a sub-account

A step-by-step guide showing how to link a sub-account
Users can also link accounts by setting "sub accounts", each with its own identity, under a primary account. The system reserves a bond for each sub account. An example of how you might use this would be a validation company running multiple validators. A single entity, "My Staking Company", could register multiple sub accounts that represent the Stash accounts of each of their validators.
An account can have a maximum of 100 sub-accounts.
To register a sub-account on an existing account, do the following:


Access Porta-UI
Navigate to Developer > Extrinsics
  • Extrinsic: identity
  • Function: setSubs
Click: Add item
Choose the sub-account you want to link to the main account
Click "Add Item" for every child account you want to add to the parent sender account.
The value to put into the Data field of each parent is the optional name of the sub-account. If omitted, the sub-account will inherit the parent's name and be displayed as parent/parent instead of parent/child.
Looking at the sub-account on the Accounts page, you will see the account USER-2 has now inherited its parents name USER.
Should you want to add a unique name to the sub-account see the tutorial called: 'Custom named sub-account'