Porta Docs
An explanation of the features and purposes of using a proxy

What is a proxy?

The proxy acts as an intermediary between your primary account (such as a stash account) and the network.
The proxy performs a limited number of actions on behalf of a primary account. The actions the proxy can perform is defined by you.

What are the advantages of a proxy?

  1. 1.
    The proxy feature enables the primary account (holding most of your funds) to remain untouched while a lesser account (holding fewer funds) interacts with the network.
  2. 2.
    The proxy can be configured with a time delay (specified in blocks rather than seconds). The delay acts as a security mechanism: It allows a time interval between the proxy ‘announcing its intended action’ and the ‘action taking place on the network’, this allows the owner of the primary account to cancel a malicious action before it happens on-chain.
The following tutorials are provided:

How does a proxy work?

The owner of the primary account configures what actions the proxy can do by giving it any one of the following roles:
  • Any
  • Non-transfer
  • Governance
  • Staking
  • Identity Judgement

Any Proxies

As implied by the name, a proxy type of "Any" allows the proxy account to make any transaction, incuding balance transfers. In most cases, this should be avoided as the proxy account is used more frequently than the cold account and is therefore less secure.

Non-transfer Proxies

Proxies that are of the type "non-transfer" are accounts that allow any type of transaction except balance transfers (including vested transfers).

Governance Proxies

The "Governance" type will allow proxies to make transactions related to governance (i.e., from the Democracy, Council, Treasury, Technical Committee, and Elections pallets).

Staking Proxies

The "Staking" type allows staking-related transactions, but do not confuse a staking proxy with the Controller account. Within the Staking pallet, some transactions must come from the Stash, while others must come from the Controller. The Stash account is meant to stay in cold storage, while the Controller account makes day-to-day transactions like setting session keys or deciding which validators to nominate. The Stash account still needs to make some transactions, though, like bonding extra funds or designating a new Controller. A proxy doesn't change the roles of Stash and Controller accounts but does allow the Stash to be accessed even less frequently by delegating roles of the stash account to the stash proxy account.

Identity Judgement Proxies

"Identity Judgement" proxies are in charge of allowing registrars to make judgement on an account's identity. If you are unfamiliar with judgements and identities on chain, please refer to the Identities section of Porta Docs (https://docs.porta.network/developer-guide/identity).
Aside from a normal proxy with its 5 associated types, there is another proxy called an anonymous proxy

Anonymous Proxies

Porta includes a function to create an anonymous proxy, an account that can only be accessed via proxy. That is, it generates an address but no corresponding private key. Normally, a primary account designates a proxy account, but anonymous proxies are the opposite. The account that creates the proxy relationship is the proxy account and the new account is the primary.
Use extreme care with anonymous proxies; once you remove the proxy relationship, the account will be inaccessible.
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